Custom Software has become a need of the hour. Looking at a few decades of the industry or the way software industry has evolved there were times when companies like SAP, IBM, Microsoft and others created products for different industries and asked those industries to work accordingly.
It was a time when softwares was built and big businesses had to change their way of working as per the guidelines given to them by these big software companies. But as the software industry has progressed and other businesses have also evolved, they do not want to compromise on their requirements. Irrespective of how big the software product is or the company is, they want their requirement to be fulfilled.
Let us take few examples for the same:
SAP : One of the biggest ERP Software providers in the world, who has taught the world or particularly the Production or manufacturing units on how to handle your business, have started making big customisation in software. They had to otherwise businesses have started moving to some other ERP Provider or may be small ERP providers like Aasaan Services which can easily customise as per the requirement and that too with very low cost.
Salesforce : A big name in the CRM industry. They have migrated from a standard CRM system to one which can be customised in any manner. They have even come to the level where anybody can develop on their platform. Here companies like Aasaan Services have a big role to play where they can cater to small scale industries needs of Customer relationship management or CRM. These small scale industries need lots of customisation around the software and can not basically work as per standard procedures.

Looking at the above few examples, we can easily say that Custom Software is needed for the hour. Aasaan Services as a software development company has it core from customisation only.